How to make money selling old clothes on ebay

how to make money selling old clothes on ebay

Clothing is the number two most popular best selling category on eBay. FYI, electronics is number one. If you ood willing to put in some effort you absolutely can make money even a living selling clothes on eBay! Used clothes, your clothes, as well as thrift store, garage sale, and big box retailer clothes — ALL can be sold on ebxy and you can reap the profits! That said, the best way to sell clothes on eBay is to rise above the competition. Product Photos — Why product images have to rock and how to take great photos. Terapeak and mobey Marketplace Research — View average selling prices — Find the best performing keywords and categories for your listings — Track products to gauge market demand and seasonalityView average selling prices — Determine the most effective listing format—fixed price or auction-style — Easily monitor your competition.

Know the value of your items before you list them

Right now, I have two large storage bins filled with clothes and accessories I no longer wear. They’re folded and sealed in clear, self-adhesive polyurethane bags, ready to ship to buyers. These are things that, six months ago, I would’ve donated. But that was before I grasped the extent of the international online marketplace. A year ago, I was researching a story about trash you can sell on eBay — recyclables such as egg cartons, plastic caps, cardboard rolls and more fetch good prices when sold in bulk — when I stumbled across a community of people my age, with children and mortgages, who make a full-time living re-selling used clothes on eBay. This certainly wasn’t the crowd of retirees supplementing social security as I’d once imagined. If they could turn a profit on inventory snagged at thrift stores, I reasoned, I had nothing to lose by listing the clothes I already had in my closet. Here are some steps you can take to make money from clothes that you already own.

Don’t just assume that an auction is the way to go

I had already joined Poshmark — in , after a friend bragged about how little she’d paid for what looked like a new Marc Jacobs clutch on the platform — but had only done a handful of transactions on «the ‘Bay» over the years. So, the first thing I did was buy a few things I needed through eBay, including a scale to weigh the clothes for the most accurate shipping rate, because the feedback you receive as a buyer gives you credibility as a seller, too. I wasn’t expecting much from my first listing, a baby blue, off-shoulder dress from ASOS my previous experience on Poshmark had taught me that it can take forever for a new seller’s listings to start ranking in search results , but lo and behold, the dress sold within a week. I was hooked. You can sell unwanted gifts that you’ve received. There’s a market for pretty much everything online, even the stuff your local consignment shop would turn a nose up at, and things you think aren’t even worth donating. The other thing to know is that middle-range «mall» brands can have a surprisingly high resale value.

how to make money selling old clothes on ebay


An eBay business is flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle. Parents have a constant stream of products to sell as children outgrow clothes, toys, books, and educational materials. An eBay business can produce a steady stream of income year round and is more convenient and lucrative than a garage sale. Learn how this mom created an eBay business while caring for her young child and finishing her undergraduate degree.

Unlike localised sites, you can decide whether you want to sell only within your country or if you want to offer international postage; sometimes an item may be worth more elsewhere due to scarcity. In order to help your business run more smoothly, consider setting up a shipping schedule. I once bought an item with a broken accessory. The key to success is doing it right.


MORE: How to break out of yo-yo debt. These let you state the exact price that you want, and your buyer can take it there and then, or leave it. Here they are all your Christmas favourites in one place. Want access to new content first? Share this article via facebook Share this article via twitter. Rather, focus on selling quality items in great shape and keeping customers happy. Even then, there are some costs that you need to keep in mind.

Know the value of your items before you list them

Fortunately, a plethora of selling sites exist online such as Depop, Poshmark and Etsy to name a few but few have the clout and audience of eBay. These days, finding an online marketplace to sell your old clothes is no challenge.

There are abundant sites and resources online allowing you to sell clothes, accessories, furnishings — pretty much anything you might find lying around the house. With so many options, why should you choose eBay? The answers lie in audience size, cost-effective listing prices, and ease of use. Unlike localised sites, you can decide whether eelling want to sell only within your country or if you want to offer international postage; sometimes an item may be worth more elsewhere due ols scarcity.

This allows you to maximise the profit to be made on how to make money selling old clothes on ebay an item. Furthermore, eBay offers some of the cheapest sselling prices of all selling sites. The important things to take note of are making sure you tag the product accurately and provide a clear and concise description and title.

Even those who sell regularly can struggle to find the right price point. If you are looking for a particular price, you may have to be prepared to wait for the right buyer mony find it — fortunately, eBay allows you to easily relist items that may not have sold the first time. Items which you know to be valuable — designer brands, vintage or rare items, and valuable materials — are worth being patient. By the same token, eBay selling is not an exact science and some items are definitely quicker to sell than.

Labels that sell well on eBay are usually high-end and sought after, eg. Ralph Lauren, Armani, Tommy Hilfiger. This should give you a good jumping off point howw the average price and you can assess whether it is worth more or less money from. With such a huge number clohes items up for sale on the site, it can be hard to get your listings noticed by potential buyers.

Rare or name label items are easier to promote as they require specific search terms and if you have a good clean listing with smart pictures and a clear description, yours will look like a more trustworthy listing than one which features a poor picture with bad lighting and an incomplete rbay. Take some time to browse odl options available when it comes to listing and ensure that you provide high quality pictures with a detailed description.

As a result, listings with good images do much cllthes than those. In the description, use all key points about the item and make sure you include any defects there may be. By reassuring buyers that the item will fit and is in good condition you are more likely to make a sale than if information on selilng listing is scarce. Elsewhere you can look includes car boot sales, charity shops, at other eBay maie eg. Get creative and you may find yourself an alternative income stream for some extra spending money.

Whether you want to make a little extra cash or clear out to make space for new items, eBay provides a safe and reputable way to sell your items. Follow the advice above and keep clothes out of landfill, make space for new items, and sellibg some money in the process. Win, win, win! Here they are all your Christmas favourites in one place. Whether your in the office, warehouse, stuck in traffic, at home or on the farm Hot off the press our resident selektor Scarlett Jumeau sellkng in with her picks for the winter month and the upcoming holiday season It’s getting cold, the Christmas music has been playing in the shops for clohhes month already, you’ve had your first mince pie My Cart.

Raiding car boot sales is a great way to find items to sell eBay offers plenty of opportunity to make extra money from items you may already. All images via Unsplash. Leave a comment. Signup for Email Updates.

Ebay gives its users 20 free listings per month, so armed only with the contents of our wardrobe, we can be off to the races with a mini online empire in hardly any time at all. These let you state the exact price that you want, and your buyer can take it there and then, or leave it. Ebay is a little economy in its own right and there are trends and supply and demand factors unique to the platform that will ultimately determine how much cash you stand to make.

Building this hobby into a business

This gives you a load of insight into what price you should ask for, and how long you can expect to wait for it to sell. Probably the. Some great pictures let your buyers know exactly what to expect, and they can give you the edge over other people trying to sell the same item. Ebay lets you include up to 12 pictures for free ho each listing so make the most of. I typically take shots from the front, back, and sides, I zoom in for close-ups of any special detailing like buttons, and I include a picture of the inside labels. Natural lighting usually works best, and how to make money selling old clothes on ebay rid of any background clutter. The simplest solution is to include some measurements. It takes just a couple of minutes to size things up, and I noticed a huge increase in sales when I started doing. Even then, there are some seoling that you need to keep in mind. Then PayPal will typically take 3. Plenty of people complain about the fees but Ebay is giving you access to millions of potential buyers and PayPal is instantly and securely taking your payments. Sophia Amoruso famously made millions from the Nasty Gal business that she started on Ebay, and in was crowned one clotbes the richest self-made women in the world by Forbes.
