What type of therapy makes the most money

what type of therapy makes the most money

Even if you get a scholarship, save up money or have generous benefactors, chances are you’re going to be in quite a bit of debt when you finish school. Of course, none of us chose PT for the money, but paying off PT school loans as quickly as possible is a respectable and wise life choice to secure your financial future. You can take several paths to high income. One is working your tail off at multiple moderately paying jobs. If you’re dead set on working in outpatient ortho, this may be the solution for you. Another is working in the more high-paying settings, though they may mosh be as glamorous. Yet another is opting to travel. And still another is to simply live extremely lean. If you’re serious about making some post-PT school dough, this is the article for you! These are the highest paying settings for a therapist. If you’re spending half your day commuting from one end of town to the other, that’s unpaid time that will lead to frustration. SNF rehab is a popular choice for new grads looking to offset their tyoe.

Educational Requirements

An addiction therapist is a specially trained counselor with the knowledge, skills, and clinical experience to assist clients in overcoming substance abuse problems. This might take the form of individual therapy in which the therapist helps their client work through traumas related to their addiction. Click here for salary and more information. Behavioral therapists typically work with clients that are experiencing life difficulties as a result of a mental disorder. For example, a behavioral therapist might engage with young client that has attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder to help them develop skills and coping strategies that help minimize the impact of their ADHD on their daily life. Child therapists are highly trained counselors that have the specific skills needed to provide therapy to children 17 years of age and younger. Child therapists address an array of issues, from mental disorders to behavioral disorders to difficulties that arise from emotional problems or anger. Clinical therapists are much like behavioral therapists in that they use their training in counseling to provide clients with therapeutic interventions that help them overcome difficulties related to mental health problems. Cognitive therapy is focused on the thoughts clients have that derail healthy mental functioning. As a result, cognitive therapists work to help their clients identify problematic thought patterns and create new, healthier cognitions that lead to greater functionality and higher satisfaction with life. A cognitive behavioral therapist is a highly specialized counselor that uses psychotherapeutic and behavioral techniques to assist their clients in addressing a wide-range of psychological problems, from depression and anxiety to substance abuse and eating disorders.

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Naturally, a divorce therapist specializes in working with couples that feel as though their marriage is at an end. Divorce therapists often work with the couple as a unit and sometimes with each person separately. Common themes in divorce therapy include infidelity, communication, inequality, and abuse, among others. With eating disorders so common in modern society, eating disorder therapists have an uphill battle to climb. Additionally, eating disorder therapists strive to help their clients understand the underlying issues that led to the development of their eating disorder. Click here to read more. Exercise therapists work at the intersection of physical and mental health.

What is the Outlook for Occupational Therapists?

According to the U. Bureau of Labor Statistics , with a growth rate of 34 percent, physical therapists rank eighth on the list of fastest-growing occupations between and So why is this? Location always has an impact on potential earnings, especially on the highest paying physical therapy jobs.


Read about salary and job outlook predictions for marriage and family therapists. Marriage and family therapists focus on how people interact within marriage and family units, rather than the traditional emphasis on the individual. A marriage and family therapist generally takes a holistic, or mind-body, approach to his or her duties, working together with clients to solve issues and establish a plan of action for resolution of domestic problems. Here are some statistics on salaries, job growth and employers. According to the U. Actual salaries may vary greatly based on specialization within the field, location, years of experience and a variety of other factors. Source: U. Those working in private practice generally earn a higher income than their counterparts, but the BLS reports that most MFTs are employed within individual and family services industries and organizations. According to the BLS, career employment for marriage and family therapists is expected to grow much faster than average as more people turn to professionals to help them cope with relationship and family issues and the stress of daily obstacles such as depression, substance abuse, behavioral problems and infidelity, among others. Employment of marriage and family therapists is expected to grow 20 percent through , which is much faster than the national average for all occupations. Take a look at what some of the other counseling occupations can expect as far as job growth:.

They should be able to take direction and work well in a team situation. Fieldwork is an essential part of training to become an occupational therapist generalist or specialist. Mary, Dr.. A physical therapist who is personable and respectful with patients will have better success in gently guiding a person into participating in important physical therapy sessions. Hottest Questions. The job that makes the most money is a computer technichian. Median salaries differ by industry setting:. Advanced occupational therapy training along with experience and certification can lead to higher earnings and positions of greater responsibility. It makes about give or take a few thousand , Home care physical therapists make the most money. They usually have strong interpersonal skills and a desire to help people in need.

Median Annual Salary

Note: Depending on which text editor you’re pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site. Philip Rivers makes ‘permanent’ offseason. Asked in English Spelling and Pronunciation How do you spell theripist? You can find occupational therapy jobs in many different types of settings, although about half of all occupational therapists work in hospitals or outpatient clinics, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Psychologists do not go to med school. Asked in Salary and Pay Rates Who makes the most money in a month in the video game job? This is a high paid, challenging and rewarding profession.

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Physical therapists improve the movement abilities and help manage pain for patients who suffer from injuries or illnesses. Occupational therapists use everyday activities to help patients recover skills for daily living and working. Though both treat and rehabilitate patients with chronic medical conditions, their salaries differ by job title, employer and location.

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All states require a license for the profession, which mandates the education and passing an exam. The biggest employers of physical therapists in were the offices of other health practitioners, which included therapists in ghe practice. Doctoral degrees are also available. All states require licensing for the profession, which typically mandates education credits and require candidates to pass an exam. Most occupational therapists in worked in the offices of other health practitioners, which included therapists in private practice. Aurelio Locsin has been writing professionally makess He published his first book in and is a frequent contributor to many online publications, specializing in consumer, business and technical topics. Locsin holds a Bachelor of Arts in scientific and technical communications from the University of Washington. Skip to main content. About the Author Aurelio Locsin has been writing professionally since Occupational Therapy. Locsin, Aurelio. Salaries: Physical Therapy Vs.
