How much money do philosophy majors make

how much money do philosophy majors make

I found my online school there and I’m very satisfied. Jobs for philosophy majors are more common—and often better-paying—than you might think. It’s true: Although «philosopher» may not be a very common job title, philosophy graduates are thriving in many career sectors. That’s because the skills you can acquire by studying philosophy are highly valued and suitable for all kinds of fulfilling and meaningful careers. So, in terms of practical concerns like earning money, what can you do with a philosophy degree? To arrive at the answer, you first need to consider the most fundamental goal of studying this subject: Philosophy students learn how to think, not what to think. That’s essential, since thinking clearly and logically is one of the most important transferable skills of the 21st century. After all, modern life is complicated. Organizations of every type regularly face tough decisions.

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Individuals pursue philosophy degrees for a variety of reasons outside personal enrichment. In fact, major companies increasingly value the analytical thinking taught in philosophy programs, and philosophy majors consistently outperform other majors in standardized test scores and midcareer earnings. Career options for philosophy majors can be found in areas like teaching and research, public administration, business, law, and journalism. Knowing what you want to study ahead of time can prepare you to take the most direct path toward success; this planning can be invaluable, as some philosophy degree jobs require many years of education. The skills a philosophy major gains while completing college coursework can serve as valuable assets for the rest of their lives. In addition to examining life’s deepest questions, the discipline cultivates many of the skills listed below. The skills a philosophy major gains during the completion of their college courses hold value for the rest of their lives. In addition to examining life’s deepest questions, the discipline cultivates all the skills listed below. While this skill is typically associated with artists, writers, and musicians, thinking philosophically requires imagination and mental dexterity. Forming and expanding upon original thoughts is a vital skill; philosophy requires one to analyze, question, and argue different perspectives.


Developing your abilities in information management can boost productivity in all areas of your life. Academic research, note taking, studying, and completing assignments all rely on efficiently accessing helpful information. Consider adopting a note-taking method such as mapping, outlining, or charting. Nearly every industry can benefit from professionals with excellent writing skills. Sharp writing can help you express information in a more precise manner and also help you read and interpret texts more efficiently. You can acquire better writing skills by reading well-written communications and practicing the craft yourself. Philosophy concerns itself with knowledge, reality, and existence. People often use philosophy as a tool to help understand, analyze, and respond to issues in these areas, both great and small. Problem-solving skills become invaluable in the course of these complex discussions and debates.

Why Major in Philosophy? A Look at the Skills

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Maybe but they’ll be in debt up to their eyeballs too. This one has already been disproved, People with doctorates make much more than welders. No, I’m not saying that. Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Not all liberal arts majors are useless, some can lead to good paying careers. STEM majors dont just make more money when they start out.

Do Philosophy Grads Make Money? Surprising Salary Stats

Math professionals analyze data, present results and recommend actions. It’s all about what makes you happy. There’s enough room for everybody. Actuaries make pretty good money out of the gate. I didn’t even use the word philosophy in my answer. Another phikosophy sound bite based in absolute fantasy.

Why Pursue a Career in Philosophy?

Bmore- philosophy majors do not know what welders do either Rubio doesn’t even know what a welder does. Most welders don’t make all that much, unless you are welding under the sea pholosophy something like. A plumber or carpenter makes a lot. A philosophy professor with tenure at a major university makes more than all of them, but that’s beside the point. A student should study what they are interested in, and what they are good at.

Telling all kids to go the vo-tech route is not a good idea. Some kids will grow up to be brilliant doctors and lawyers and English teachers, and some will be excellent masons, glaziers, and electricians.

There’s enough room for everybody. Very few philosophy majors get to become Professors. The majority will not get good jobs in that field.

Not that they aren’t philosopht, but the job market is just not on their. Now on the high end, a philosophy professor makes 2 to 3 times more than a long term, experienced welder. What’s so funny about «philosophy professional»? Some become educators, some become ethicists who can make a LOT of money in the fields of biomedicine or corporate consultancy Rich B seems to have a very outdated idea of what philosophy studies are. Rubio will be hard-pressed to find a welder who makes a comparable salary.

But a year-long survey of 1. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are in factworkers in welding or a related category, such as soldering or brazing.

Meanwhile, the BLS says there are 23, postsecondary philosophy and religion teachers probably the closest one can be to a professional «philosopher». So many of us with liberal arts degrees in ALL the building trades. We realized Marx’s communist dream. Welders hw day, philosophers by night.

It’s all about d makes you happy. Not all liberal arts majors are useless, some can lead to good paying careers. It’s just how you put your degree to use. Read this — Does College Major Matter? This one has already been disproved, People with doctorates make much more than welders. Not that there is anything wrong with welders, but they don’t make as much as those with doctorates. No, I’m not saying. I didn’t even use the word philosophy in my answer.

Get your glasses checked. Jow but they’ll be in debt up to their eyeballs. So who is really better off? Trending News. Cruise line: Video shows man knew window was open. Social media onslaught after McGregor’s swift win. Florida python hunters wrestle invasive snakes. Experts share what not to do at a funeral.

Duane Chapman: It’s ‘a lot harder now without Beth’. Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Boy arrested after 4 people killed in Utah shooting. Update: GetReal- oh yeah, and im just gonna take your word for it. Update 3: justagrandma- not every philosophy major has a doctorate. Update 4: Bubba Ray- anyone can go to law school, and make my wage in an hour what is your point? Update 5: Bmore- philosophy majors do not know what welders do either Update 6: zman why are you using ONLY philosophy professors?

Answer Save. And Rubio was flat our wrong. Not sure where Rubio got his info from but it was seriously flawed. Most liberal arts majors know better. John J. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. Invictus Lv mxke. Philosophers live in an imaginary world.

They don’t do reality. Plumbers make more than philosophers. Another right-wing sound bite based in absolute fantasy. Bubba Ray Lv 6. Liberal arts majors can go on to law school and make your daily wage in half an hour.

Future Lv 7. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

Question: Should I Get a Degree in Philosophy?

The best reason to major in philosophy would be that you love it. But other reasons for majoring in philosophy are discussed in these:. What we learn by studying the field of philosophy includes:. Having studied these things, you might not know for certain what the answer to any particular mzjors philosophical question is, but you will be able to make your mind up about what to think from a position in which you are more fully conscious of what the alternatives are, and what their known strengths and weaknesses are.


This gives you a kind of freedom to responsibly ,uch for yourself what to think that, alas, not everyone enjoys. The study of philosophy develops many skills, including:. After graduation, philosophy majors go to law school, to medical school, to business school, to seminary, and to graduate school in a range of fields from art business to education to gender studies to philosophy; they go to work for business consulting firms and for humanitarian non-government organizations; they take jobs as technical writers, teachers, web designers…. Law schools know that philosophy is one of the kake pre-law majors. The skills you develop while taking philosophy courses — major as careful, critical writing about detailed arguments — are the very ones you will need in law school. For more information, click. Though it is often overlooked for this purpose, philosophy is also an excellent pre-med major. Here at Chapel Hill, the requirements of the philosophy major have a great deal of flexibility built into them, making it relatively easy to fit in all the science courses you philosopyy to take as a pre-med. A recent issue of a journal published by the American Medical School Association indicates that a very high proportion of philosophy majors applying to medical schools have been accepted. See it ,ake.
