How do you make money on youtube without ads

how do you make money on youtube without ads

Do you have a fairly new channel and wonder how can you earn money from YouTube without Adsense? We’ll witgout you the best alternatives. Monetizing YouTube videos is a topic that every YouTuber is interested in. I see questions related to how people make money on YouTube frequently. After all, if you enjoy making videos, why not make an income out of it to sustain yourself while doing what you love? The first thing d comes to mind for people who are starting out on YouTube is to make money by monetizing their videos. Some mistaken the process to be as easy as uploading videos on YouTube and see the withouut pilling. In reality, there are many miss conceptions beginners have about this so-called easy way to make money. I’ll give you the most important reasons why making money on YouTube with Adsense can’t be your only source of money in And I’ll go over the best alternatives to earn money from YouTube without Adsense.

The ugly truth about Adsense

We use cookies to enhance your experience. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. More info. In the beginning, becoming a YouTube partner has been extremely difficult. Later on, due to liberalization, lots of people could start earning money freely. Rather quickly, YouTube decided to put first restrictions on monetization such as view goal that content creator had to pass in order to enable a feature to start showing ads on your channel. For someone with subscribers and enabled monetization, the income will be almost unnoticeable or negligible. This is why many YouTubers are looking for the new ways thanks to which they can earn money and pursue a career on YouTube. More often than ever before, people start joining affiliate networks. What it provides is a specified commision for each sale that the company generates via your recommendation.

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Most often it is a purchase via the link that you include in the video description. It might be a product you use on an everyday basis or something you review in your video. For general use items, becoming an Amazon affiliate can be a good idea. There are of course much more possibilities, just check for yourself what kind of affiliate programs you can find in your country and see if something suits your niche. Topics that do work well alongside affiliate marketing are:. Tutorials — when you show someone how to use specific software, it might be worth generating a sales link to purchase the program on a discount. Reviews — whenever you present a certain product on your channel for example video camera , make sure to present its strong points.

1. Affiliate links

Most of these small-screen celebs do what they do just to do it, to scratch an itch for creating things and being in front of an audience. Making money might not be your reason for starting a YouTube channel , but the opportunities to earn are a pleasant surprise once you realize how many of them there are. According to Forbes , these 10 channels were the top earners on YouTube from June to June This list might leave you with a lot of questions about how these YouTube stars earned their fortunes.

how do you make money on youtube without ads

Selling your own products

For the second time in less than a year, YouTube has made policy changes that have shaken its community of creators by directly affecting how much money they are able to make from ads. The reasons behind it are nuanced, but valid or not, the changes have many professional creators concerned about their over-reliance on ads for their future income. Diversifying your income streams. So, what are the alternative monetization strategies? In this article, we analyzed 9 methods of making money on YouTube without ads and clearly outlined who should use them. We also found some stellar examples from top creators and reached out to them for advice, so you can see how they are using them and learn from the best. Here are 9 ways to make money on YouTube without ads:. Time : Very small upfront time investment to apply to the affiliate programs of the sites you use most. This is the one monetization strategy that everyone should be using regardless of what type of videos you make. Adding affiliate links in descriptions takes very little time and can bring in consistent revenue for any creator. Destin Sandlin understands his audience is made of intellectually curious people interested in learning more about the world around them, so he chose an affiliate to match: Audible. He recognized his viewers most common question what are his book recommendations and turned that into a more thoughtful and personalized experience.

The 18 Best Patreon Benefits Video Creators Can Offer

This will place your videos in front of a bigger audience. And I’ll go over the best alternatives to earn money from YouTube without Adsense. I definitely understand much more than I did before reading it. There’s no answer to these questions. With only a few moments on his page, it is abundantly clear to any potential patrons exactly what they will get when they pledge. His advice is to look where there is hidden demand that may be underserved:. Copyrighted content can get your videos taken down, and possibly banned. What I will do, what I will serve, how people see me, why peoples see me? Take all the feedback you can and improve your app to a more resourceful, premium product.

The ugly truth about Adsense

You can see more on his Patreon Page. I think we tend to underestimate how much our patrons would value having access to it. Table of contents. It can be all written content, or you can mix things up and do a variety of written and video content. You can see how this YouTuber uses affiliate links in his description to generate sales. Say you want youtubbe sell jewelry. There are other ways, too, like ad revenue or sponsorship opportunities, which are both helpful. LL Linda Lucas Mar 20, To enhance the chances for your pitch to work, it’s best to not jump right into it.

Affiliate marketing

Do you have a fairly new channel and wonder how can you earn money from YouTube without Adsense? We’ll give you the best alternatives. Monetizing YouTube videos is a topic that every YouTuber is interested in. I see questions related to how people make money on YouTube frequently. After all, if you enjoy making videos, why not make an income out of it to sustain yourself while doing what you love?

The first thing that comes to mind for people who are starting out on YouTube is to make money by monetizing their videos. Some mistaken the process to be as easy as uploading videos on YouTube and see the money pilling. In reality, there are many miss conceptions beginners have about this so-called easy way to make money. I’ll give you the most important reasons why making money on YouTube with Adsense can’t be your only source of money in And I’ll go over the best alternatives to earn money from YouTube without Adsense.

You need to have subscribers and watched hours in the last year to join the program. Reaching these numbers doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and work to reach subscribers, so you won’t be able to use Adsense to make money from the beginning of your channel. There’s no answer to these questions. You get paid from the money advertisers are paying to show their ads on your videos. And they get charged only if your viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds or the whole ad if the ad is shorter than 30 sec.

If no one watches the ads that pop up on your video, or they are using AdBlock, you won’t be seeing any money. Because you get paid only when ads show on your videos and viewers watch them, it means you need ads on your videos duh. How many ads will be showing up, depends on the niche you’re in. A business selling phones won’t pay for ads to be shown on your videos about animal food because your audience isn’t relevant to the business. Hence, if you’re in a niche where businesses are not paying for advertisements, you won’t have much success with it.

That’s not a lot of money for a new YouTube channel that gets a couple thousand views per video. You can check out this calculator if you want to get estimates on how much money your YouTube channel can make with AdSense. Monetizing with Adsense is an easy way to make money on YouTube, but only after your channel is starting to grow in popularity.

Until then, there are other ways to make money on YouTube without Adsense, and most YouTubers are using them to make an income from creating videos. Actually, YouTubers are not focusing solely on making money from ads, most of them also have other ways to increase their earnings. Becoming an affiliate is the easiest way to make money on YouTube without Adsense.

Making money through affiliate links means you advertise certain products in your videos and encourage your viewers to buy the product. You’ll have a link to the product in the video description, which is a special URL attached to your account.

Every time someone makes a purchase through one of your links, you’ll receive a commission from that sale. You just need to place the links to the products you want to promote in the description.

This will only take you a couple of minutes to. It doesn’t matter that you’re a small YouTube channel, you can still implement this money making technique in your videos from the beginning. If you don’t already have a channel running on a certain topic, you can look for niches where there’s great demand for products.

The most popular affiliate program is Amazon Associates. You can find a wide variety of products to promote in any niche, and it’s a globally used platform where people trust to buy. You either start making product reviews, which means you’ll be having dedicated videos to promote the products. Or you can just mention the products and why you recommend them in your usual videos.

Don’t try to hide the fact that you’re getting commissions from the sales. Your audience will trust you more if you’re transparent with. Only pick out products you’re familiar with and you can genuine recommend.

If you promote random products and they turn out to be bad, it’ll reflect badly on your channel. You can see how this YouTuber uses affiliate links in his description to generate sales. And he is also transparent about he getting commissions from sales. Another way to monetize YouTube without Adsense is through sponsorships. This is the how many YouTubers earn money or lots of cool freebies.

Getting sponsored by a brand means that you get paid to promote the said brand in your videos. In order for brands to collaborate with you, there needs to be something for them to benefit. When you don’t have any following, or too few subscribers, brands won’t be interested in your channel because there are no possible prospects for their products. If your YouTube channel is rather small, brands will give you free items in exchange for promotion instead of money.

When your channel will start growing, you’ll be receiving proposal emails for sponsorships. Businesses are looking to promote their products everywhere their targeted audience is spending time.

And if your channel is one of those places, you’ll get hit by proposals. Take some time to research which brands are selling products that your audience have interest in. Make a list of them, also taking into account their popularity. Start small and grow from.

Sponsors will try to bend the collaboration in their favor. So you don’t get dragged into something you are not comfortable with, it’s best to set some rules for yourself that you are not willing to compromise. For example, you might not agree to let sponsors suggest editing your videos.

If so, be clear on it. If you have previous experience with promoting products, you should feature in your pitch the positive results you got. Don’t accept an offer from the start. Usually, people start up with a smaller amount of money that they are actually willing to pay. Don’t pass on the chance to receive more money. You may find that sometimes businesses come to you with proposals for sponsorships but they are not at all relevant to your channel.

If it’s not relevant for your audience, don’t do it. It may seem like you give up an opportunity of making money off YouTube, but promoting irrelevant products will drive your subscribers away. One way to monetize your YouTube channel is through selling merchandise. There’re two ways you can go with. You can either source products, buy them in bulk, and sell them at a higher price Amazon or Shopify strategy.

Or, if you produce items, you can take advantage of YouTube and sell them on your channel. You’ll have to handle the orders, packing, and delivery. This process will take a notable amount of time. If you want to jump into selling items to make money on YouTube, make sure you have enough time on hand to deal with it in a professional way. If you don’t honor your orders with professionalism, you won’t get far with it.

Customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of e-commerce. You’ll be needing a space to use as a warehouse. You can do this in your own home, but depending on the dimensions of the items, your place may start to feel crowded. Make sure that all you have to pay for scales up with what you’ll be getting for it and you’ll still be left with a profit.

When you’re the creator of the items, all you have to worry about are the materials needed and the packing supplies and the time you have to put into creating the items, of course. And if you already create things, it means that you love doing it. YouTube gives you a chance to do what you love and get paid for it.

If you’re sourcing products, you can use some tips on how to find the best products to sell on Amazon. You can source products from China, where the manufacturing fees are lower, and sell them on another market like US or UK at a higher price.

Pick out products that are light, hard to break, and preferably small. In order to sell items, you don’t have to solely make videos talking about. Contrary, you want to make videos that are relevant to your products, but which don’t directly sell. Say you want to sell jewelry. You can make videos about choosing the right earrings for an occasion, maintaining jewelry, or organizing necklaces.

These kinds of videos can be optimized for ranking and will bring traffic to your channel. Moreover, you’ll set yourself as an authority figure in the niche who people will trust. If you’re not familiar with it yet, you can sell T-shirts online without having to deal with buying the T-shirts, printing, and delivering. It’s called print-on-demand. And there are lots of websites offering such services.

The internet is full of options when it comes to T-shirts. In order to compete in the market, your designs need to be creative and stand. All you have to do is upload your designs to your preferred website, CafePress is an example, and everything else is outsourced.

When someone makes a purchase, you don’t have to make anything about it. It’s easy to promote your T-shirts.

Making Money on YouTube Without Ads

1. Affiliate links

It seems as if everyone and their mother is trying to make an extra buck off of the internet these days well, maybe not your mom. But, the point stands. The idea now making millions off of videos the way YouTubers like PewDiePie famously have certainly seems like a pseudo-new-American Dream. And while not all of us will reach internet stardom with our videos, it might be worth looking into how you could make a few dimes from the popular platform. So, how do you make money from YouTubeand what will you need? There how do you make money on youtube without ads isn’t a formula for success on the video platform, but there are moneyy things you can do and need to do or have in makke to make money.

How to activate Youtube channel monetization step by step

The main ways to generate revenue from a YouTube channel include having ads on your videos or channel, getting sponsored and gou, and selling products through a YouTube platform. You will first have to build up your YouTube platform to gain more followers. While it is by no means a science to instantly get thousands of subscribers or views, by posting frequently, promoting your videos, and paying attention to engagement and demographics, you mae see what performs well and curate your content to what your viewers seem to like. But once you do get a bit of traffic monfy your videos, you’ll want to start making money. However, contrary to popular belief, making a ton of cash off of ads on your videos alone won’t get you that millionaire status or even a couple hundred bucks, sometimes — so you may have to be creative. Still, one of the main ways or easiest to earn money on YouTube is through YouTube running ads on your videos. Once you youtuhe a certain amount of views, you can connect your account to a Google AdSense account, which will allow you to start earning money on your videos, according to USA Today. In order to qualify, you reportedly now need as of January 4, watch hours in the past 12 months, plus 1, subscribers to join the YouTube Partner Program which will get you ads and therefore cash from your channel. However, beware of makd copyrighted material in your videos, which will prevent you from qualifying to monetize your video. In order for a YouTuber to get paid for an ad, the viewer of their video must have Ad-Block turned off meaning they will see all the ads on videos and must watch at fo 30 seconds of videos they could otherwise skip. Or, this will work if the viewer sees smaller ads like banner ads, according to YouTuber Mah-Dry-Bread.
