Can i really make money from blogging

can i really make money from blogging

Back then, I never realized that making money from a blog was something you could. I don’t think I even looked into ,ake to make money with a blog back then as it was never my goal when I first learned how can i really make money from blogging start a blog. Blogging has allowed my husband and me to leave our day jobs, travel full-time, see family and friends more, meet great people, and have one heck of a great life. I never thought it would be possible, but here I am. Plus, I know many, many other bloggers in all sorts of niches who are making a great living online. Due to that, today, I wanted to answer your common questions about starting and making money from a blog. Trust me, people were saying the same thing when I first started Making Sense of Cents — that people who started in were starting too late and that no one would ever be successful with it. There is a lot of room for new bloggers, and there is plenty of room for growth well into blogving future. I believe that companies and advertisers are only recently starting to realize the value of online influencers, such as bloggers, which means that the blogging world will continue to grow well into the future and that opportunities for making money from a blog will continue to increase. More and more companies are starting to advertise with online influencers on their blogs, social media accounts, and more, and I expect this to just continue to grow well into the future. Whereas in the past, it was mainly celebrities fromm companies advertised with, but now, it is actually shifting to bloggers and other online influencers such as Youtubers and Instagrammers!

Here’s the truth:

You want to make money, right? Of course you do. Everyone wants — and needs -to make money. One of the most common ways bloggers make money is through placing ads on their site. There are two popular types of ads:. Perhaps the most popular network for placing these types of ads is Google AdSense. With this program, you do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers; you simply place the banner on your site, Google chooses ads relevant to your content, and your viewers click on the ads. If you end up with enough traffic, advertisers may come directly to you and ask you to place their ad on your site. You can also contact advertisers yourself.

Sell Private Ads

The biggest difference from the above mentioned option is that there is no middle man, which means you can set your own ad rates. Selling private ads can come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. The ways you make money with this can vary. For instance, you might charge a one-time fee for a link within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge your partner monthly.

Entrepreneur + Blog Tips

These are just some of the most common question bloggers at various levels ask when it comes to monetizing their blog. In this mega guide to making money from blogging, you will learn all the aspects that will help you get started. These methods are based on my 11 years of professional blogging experience. I have also shared screenshots of payments of a few income streams to give you a wider perspective. If this is your first time here at ShoutMeLoud, I recommend you to read our about page to know what I do Opens in a new tab. A few years back, blogging was just another hobby that some people did in addition to working full-time jobs. Today, blogging still functions in that way, but a lot has changed. There are various other factors like consistency, your network, personal motivation and goal also contribute a lot.

can i really make money from blogging

can you make money blogging, (and is the only way to make money blogging by “blogging about blogging”?)

On one hand, we see hype on the topic. Periodically someone will claim to be able to make millions from blogging quickly. These claims are usually accompanied with the release of a product or service i. On the other hand, I periodically see people writing about how it is impossible to make money blogging or that anyone claiming to be full time is either a scammer, a liar, or is selling something on the topic of making money online. It started out as just a few dollars a day but in time it gradually grew to becoming the equivalent of a part-time job, then a full-time job, and more recently into a business that employs others.

Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads

In fact, if anything, I believe it validates their blogging about blogging blogs. Thank you for all of your awesome advice! Dear BB, If you’re passionate about a subject and you have decent writing skills, blogging definitely could be an alternative career path for you. Focus first on quality content and bringing in traffic.


Click here to pin this post on Pinterestso you can read these interviews again later! Time is a bear. Your content alone won’t likely make you money. Those who get a job with an established company can earn a good living right off the bat. Hello Carly, as always I love reading your posts. When people join your weekly bloggiingyou get their email address. Very helpful. Focus first on quality content and bringing in traffic. This is a REAL job for these people. Well said. It was looking too spammy. And it takes a lot of time to build your audience to the point where it’s successful.

How Do Blogs Make Money?

Posted by Carly the Mommy Jul 5, First, the more basic question — is it realistic to make money blogging? Can you make money blogging? So that includes me — of course. After all, all the bloggers that they are following are showing them their income reports that detail income coming directly from blogging niche products and blogging niche affiliates. Blog income reports, written by bloggers who blog about blogging, are written to make conversions.

They are a marketing tactic. Unless they were trying to break into the blogging about blogging niche. You can read my blog income reports. So, the income reports we have to look at tend to show a trend of just bloggers blogging about blogging earning income. It feels like a leap of faith to accept that bloggers in other niches are earning great money. I was blogging about home life, saving money, and health issues. My income was coming from ads and affiliates mostly surveys and a few random things.

Other bloggers asked me questions about the things I was good at — pinterest especially — and these questions grew into my blogging about blogging. I had things to share — things that would hopefully help other people make money blogging. I only got into it because I was already successfully earning an income in another niche. While I DO blog about blogging, and I do make good money blogging about blogging, I also continue to earn money blogging about mom things.

I consider my blogging about blogging income a separate entity — almost a separate business entirely — from my mom niche income.

My MOM niche blog income is actually, I believe, more interesting than my blogging niche income. I do more WORK for the blogging niche income. My blog still makes money with ads and affiliates… and blgging very odd sponsored post. These people are living breathing examples of bloggers who are making money in other niches.

In fact, if anything, I believe it validates their blogging about blogging blogs. I asked these bloggers if they would share a little bit about their blogging journey with me, and also some of their best advice for making an income with a blog. Also, there are a ton blogving bloggers out there in every other niche not making any money. THEY are likely the ones perpetuating the rumor that you can only make money blogging about blogging. These bloggers represent many niches and they come with differing amounts of experience.

I hope you do too! This is a REAL job for these deally. One thing they all have in common is that each of these bloggers shared GREAT advice with me — for new bloggers who want to make money blogging!

Here they are — in order of newest blogger to longest-time blogger:. BUT if you read through these interviews and you GET that this a great way to make money — then what are csn waiting for? Click here to pin this post on Pinterestso you can read these interviews again later!

One thing real quick. Would you like me to create pins for each page for you. I could use pins that already match your brand or you could check out my pin template designs for free and tell me if you like any of. This is such an encouraging post! I am an interiors blogger and have been at it for two years, and have made peanuts. I was beginning to think there is no way to monetize this blog niche, but I just need to tweak some things and keep looking for the right formula. It always seems like those who make money blogging are blogging about blogging.

I really enjoyed and appreciated that you share your story in this article. There nothing cab hearing people who are succeeding in there business venture. This is just what I needed to read today. I honestly come back to your blog anytime I am going through a challenging task or having low page views.

Thank you for writing this detailed post! It made a huge impact on me and is helping through a slower summer blogging month. Hi Carly, awesome to hear we can actually make a living from NOT blogging about blogging.

Hoping to prove you right with my parenting blog. Thanks for sharing! Hello Carly, as always I love reading your posts. Its so true if you stay focused and dedicated making money in any niche is possible. Your email address will not be published.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Previous How to keep the house clean with little kids. Next Hypopressive Pelvic Floor Exercises male an alternative to kegels. Related Posts. Want to know how this blog makes money? Click here! Thank you reall much for letting me share my story!

Lily FindingBalance. Hi Carly! Thank you so much for this massive post! Carly the Mommy on at pm. Time is a bear.

Kristen on boogging pm. Janita on at pm. Antonio Matos on at pm. Hi there, I really enjoyed and appreciated that you share your story in this article. So again thank you so much for sharing and all the best. So glad you bllgging it!! Olivia on at pm. Estie HealthyFamilyandMe on at pm. I hope you prove me right too — it absolutely IS possible girl! Leave a reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Email Facebook Pinterest.

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can you make money blogging, (and is the only way to make money blogging by “blogging about blogging”?)

Dear Lifehacker, I’m thinking about starting my own blog. I don’t expect it to make me stinking rich, but what are the chances I can quit my day job and make a living just by blogging? I see all these success stories, but how much money can I really make? Dear BB, If you’re passionate about a subject and you have decent writing skills, blogging definitely could be an alternative career path for you. The short answer is, yes, it is possible to make a living—a very good one, even—by writing online. On the other hand, the hard truth is most of the millions of bloggers today don’t make enough to support themselves just with their blogs.

Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads

Let’s take a look at what’s involved. There are two main approaches to professional blogging: You could be a freelance or employed blogger for an established company or site like those of can i really make money from blogging here at Lifehackeror you can start your own blog from scratch. Getting a job as a professional blogger is much easier than starting at ground zero with your own blog. Those who get a job with an established company can earn a good living right off the bat. Setting up and monetizing ugh your own blog, however, takes a lot more work, like starting your own business.
