How did nba owners make their money quora site www. quora. com

how did nba owners make their money quora site www. quora. com

By Siofra Brennan For Mailonline. Everyone fears emerging from the salon with a new hairstyle that has to be hidden under a hat for weeks, so it certainly pays to find a stylist you really trust — as these very frank confessions by hairdressers prove. Salon workers have taken to Quora to reveal the tricks of the trade and sneaky shortcuts they use if they’re trying to buy time or cover up mistakes. One confessed that stylists often offer to curl the hair knowing the customer will go for it because they think they’re getting a treat — but sww. it’s a trick to cover up poor technique. They added that the hairdresser will make a huge fuss about how great the new style looks as a psychological trick to stop you questioning their work — until you’re at home and it’s too late. Another said when you’re offered a conditioning treatment it’s to buy some time for the dww. to take a break while it’s sinking in, while a fellow stylist admitted to racking up the price by 20 per cent for customers that don’t tip.

Quora is a simple question-and-answer site. Whatever your question, type it in the search box and, if there isn’t already an answer there, users will pile in and attempt to answer it. Information is organised more like Wikipedia than Google , with answers prioritised by how useful they are, but the site uses Twitter-style following to track the best contributors. Founded in by Charlie Cheever and Adam D’Angelo, Quora now has a large number of registered users: it might be ,, though the number has begun to explode since Christmas. In fact, the topic of how many users the site has is one of the questions the users are debating. They’re pretty confident , as of this week, that it’s gone past , Quora itself is not saying, and didn’t respond to an email asking that and other questions. Why is it suddenly so popular? Because people have noticed that it has a strong preponderance of Silicon Valley’s finest among its users, and that influential people are also using it: Steve Case, the co-founder and former chief executive of AOL, is among those asking and answering questions — any question you like — on the site. Cheever says that the site was built from his own need to have answers to questions: in an article published this week in Silicon Valley’s Fast Company, he says: «I’d catch myself at every point in the day when I wanted to know something, and I tried to imagine what life would be like if that information was available. One point that marks Quora out from most other question-and-answer sites, such as the longstanding Yahoo Answers, or WikiAnswers, is that users are expected to use their real names — often derived from Facebook or Twitter. The challenge, Cheever says, is to keep the quality high while growing the site into the mainstream. So as we keep growing, how do we maintain that quality? There’s no one answer.

Television Rights, Merchandising, and Ticket Sales Are Primary Revenue Sources

Cheever and D’Angelo are former Facebook staffers, which may have led to the intense technology emphasis of many of the early questions, which came from technology startups in their area. But their eminence also led to experts such as the Google Images product manager explaining how colour image searches work, or Twitter’s staffers explaining the idea of «cost per follow», Case telling how much it cost AOL to blanket-mail CDs to sign people up in the s, and the Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz giving his view of The Social Network — the film based on the founding of, yes, Facebook. There are wrinkles to be ironed out: Quora has not yet fallen victim to spammers, though as soon as it gains size and reputation they will certainly test it, which will either destroy it or make it much, much stronger. It has also had some notable downtime as it has struggled with its sudden surge in popularity. Robert Scoble, a tech blogger , can share the blame for some of that. In late December, he asked if Quora was «the biggest blogging innovation in 10 years», comprehensively praising it for everything from live updating to search engine optimisation.

There’s so much out there to explore and experience. It’s what life is about.

What are the top ten things I should experience in life? Answer by Nelson Wang , founder of ceolifestyle. Writing articles for Forbes , Fortune , Time , Inc. Here’s the thing: most of these experiences are only valuable when shared. It’s time for me to pay it forward. I want to help you live the most fulfilling, epic life possible. So today, I’ll be sharing with you my top life experiences that you should try:. Celebrate a huge win — «I love it when no one recognizes my accomplishments,» said no one ever. Whether it’s a personal or work victory, take a moment to celebrate with percent of your enthusiasm. When I worked at Box, I would ring a huge gong with my coworkers and give each other high fives. It was awesome. People love to feel appreciated.

Quora, Inc. Retrieved January 24, Retrieved March 29, However, that’s not to say that ticketing doesn’t contribute at all.

Compare Investment Accounts. Retrieved October 21, Quora launches the ability for users to share links. Marc Bodnick leaves Elevation Partners to join Quora [67]. PC Mag. Toronto: The Globe and Mail. He garnered less than 10 percent of the vote. He is also the qiora. of the board of directors at Groupon. Retrieved April 27, It tends to lag behind some of the other revenue streams mentioned .

The National Basketball Association has a reputation for being the most innovative of the major professional North American sports leagues, earning money from a combination of television rights, merchandising, ticket sales, and.

It was the first league to turn its all-star game into a three-day weekend loaded with events, the first to draw a significant portion of its revenues through merchandising, and the first to consciously develop its most marketable players into global media superstars. The international approach is working. The league broadcasts to every populated continent, everywhere from Poland to Mongolia. In the s, rosters monye almost uniformly American. Today a quarter of active players are from outside the United States, hailing from 37 countries.

Because it is not a public company, the NBA does not release detailed financial reports to the public. Still, one of the largest differences between the leagues is the origin of their disparate revenue. Alongside other major sports leagues, the NBA generates revenue from multiple streams, the most significant of which are television, merchandising, sponsorships, and tickets. When television first made the transition from luxury item to ubiquitous staple of everyday life, some professional sports team owners balked at broadcasting their games.

After all, why on Earth would you give the product away to people sitting at home instead of charging them to attend the game? Eventually, team owners figured out that a they could reach scores of TV viewers for every ticket-buying fan, and b that makes it more than worth diid to sell to the middlemen i.

Add the hassles of going to a game—the price of tickets, the time spent getting there and back, finding an expensive offsite place to park, possibly encountering an aggressive drunk or two at the stadium or arena—and within a few years it had become clear that watching games on TV would be the primary way that most fans would consume what sports leagues were selling.

However, those national contracts still leave regular-season games unaccounted. The same goes for baseball button-ups and hockey jerseys, for that matter. A related component of the NBA’s merchandising business has to do with sponsorships. You may be surprised that ticketing is actually not one of the primary sources of revenue for the NBA.

It tends to lag behind some of the other revenue streams mentioned. However, that’s not to say that ticketing doesn’t contribute at all. According to ESPNfor the season, teams saw an average of anywhere from just under 15, to just over 20, fans attend per home game.

Over the last decade, the average sale price of a team has tripled. Even discounting that sale, the remaining prices show that NBA owners and prospective owners clearly expect mqke to augment even further in the next few years. With greater international appeal also comes international investors as. There are a number of key challenges facing the NBA, even as professional basketball continues to grow in popularity in the U.

For one thing, not every team is valuable all the time. Another important component of the NBA’s finances are its revenue sharing. Like some other major sports leagues, the NBA shares non-basketball related revenue between teams in order to address inequalities across different markets around the country.

All teams pool their eligible revenue together to redistribute it from teams with higher revenues to those with lower. Each team then receives revenue equal to the salary quoda. for that year. Other challenges yow the Rheir revenue may include the continuing trend away from television viewing quofa other technologies have grown increasingly popular in recent years. So far, live sports have tended to remain safe from these changes, but wdw.

may not last forever. Company Profiles. Lifestyle Advice. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Key Takeaways The NBA makes money primarily through television, merchandising, sponsorships, and tickets. Compare Investment Accounts. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. Related Articles. Partner Links. Related Terms Licensing Revenue Licensing revenue is income earned by a company for allowing its copyrighted or patented material to be used by another company.

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Quora has revealed that million users’ data has been breached as part of a malicious hack that took the company three days to announce. Those affected had their email addresses, names and encrypted passwords stolen along with the content they shared on the site. It did not apply to uses who posted anonymously, according to Quora.

How to use Quora

Anyone who was affected will receive an alert from them to change their password, they said. Quora announced the breach on Monday afternoon. It remains unclear who was behind the attack. D’Angelo founded the website in with fellow Facebook alumni Charlie Cheever. The company is still working to determine who was behind the breach. The company was founded in by former Facebook mkney.
