Make money at home as a pinterest assistant

make money at home as a pinterest assistant

Today, I have a great extra income story to share from my friend Kristin. I created Believe In A Budget in January to write about personal finance, especially my adventures in side pnterest. I was really excited to share all of the different ways I had side hustled over the years to pinteret extra money. I axsistant if I could share my side hustle experiences online and help just one person, Believe In A Budget would be a success! Out of all the side hustles I have done over the years, my side hustle as a Pinterest virtual assistant was and still is my favorite one! As a Pinterest virtual assistant, or Pinterest VA for short, there was no shortage of work! Even though I was undercharging, I was more focused on gaining experience and learning! As I had a day job, this was great extra income! This was really exciting for me!

27 Replies to “Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant That Actually Makes Good Money”

Many new — or soon-to-be-new — virtual assistants struggle with what services to offer. Maybe you want something a little more satisfying than answering phones and responding to emails. The good news is there are so many skills you can pick up easily online that will allow you to become a more specialized and sought-after VA. And with those specialized skills can come a more special rate! Becoming a Pinterest Virtual Assistant can offer just that. Pinterest has become an increasingly popular marketing platform for almost all website owners over the past few years. Because it is less social than platforms like Twitter or Facebook, Pinners who are doing things right can expect long-term traffic with minimal ongoing effort. With users choosing to leave or limit their time on Facebook and Twitter with recent developments, it will become more important than ever for business owners to optimize what marketing avenues they have left. The first thing you will need to educate yourself about before seeking out Pinterest jobs is best practices. I have some awesome news for you. Unlike many platforms, Pinterest makes their preferences known publicly and in plain English. Canva is a must-use tool for many Pinterest marketers.


But did you know Canva also offers some awesome add-on tools that help you take your brand imaging to the next level? You can also purchase image templates on sites like this one. One thing you do need to educate yourself on is image copyright. You have to ensure you are sourcing your images properly to keep your clients out of hot water. Read the fine print. Pinterest is very much a search platform.


September 8, by Bobby Hoyt Leave a Comment. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information. I have a great one that I’ve been waiting for two months to share with this community. Over the past few years, Pinterest has grown a ton and has become a really important aspect of digital marketing for small businesses and professional bloggers. If you regularly use Pinterest for finding recipes or cool DIY home stuff, it is possible to find side hustle level or full-time work where people will pay you to manage their Pinterest accounts and no, you DON’T need to be a blogger or have a website to learn this skill. If you had asked me the same thing when I was a band director a few years ago, I would have had absolutely no idea what it meant either. VA’s or Virtual Assistants are big in the online world right now. Virtual Assistants are people that offer a wide range of organizational and social media services for small businesses and online entrepreneurs like me.

So you want to make money as a Pinterest virtual assistant?

Do you love Pinterest? If you are Pinterest savvy then this could be the work-at-home hustle you are looking for. Like many other new bloggers, I was at a loss for traffic in the early stages. Within one month of using Pinterest, my page views went from 5, to 17, Over the next six months, my page views continued to climb and before I knew it, I hit over , page views in one month, which I thought was totally crazy! During this time, I wrote a case study on how Pinterest was really driving traffic back to my site. I figured, well, if I can help one person by showing them what Pinterest did for my website, then it would be worth it! Little did I know that this blog post would change my life! Shortly after hitting publish, fellow bloggers started reaching out to me about hiring me for Pinterest services and the rest is history!

A Ladies Guide to Making Money Online

Little did I know that this blog post would change my life! Pinterest Facebook Email. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Read the fine print.

Why become a Pinterest virtual assistant?

I have always been curious about Pinterest VA but it sounds like it requires a lot of time. There is no point investing time and aszistant into prepping to be a Pinterest Manager if no one is going to hire you. People go here to discover new things. Only sign up to become a Pinterest VA today if you are really serious about making extra money. By teaching yourself steps to better manage a Pinterest account as a Pinterest Manager will really help you in landing freelance clients and securing high paying side jobs. Accept Learn More. Bonus: that keyword incorporation may also get them more traffic from Google and other search engines. Such a great niche to consider to become better at for my own blog as well marketing myself to .

How to Make Money on Pinterest: 3 Ways I make $250/day With Free Pinterest Traffic (2020)

1. Pinterest Basics & Best Practices

Thinking of quitting your job in ? This post may male affiliate links. It means that at no additional cost to you, I might make a commission from your purchase. I only recommend products and services I personally love and trust. However, you might be wondering: why become a Pinterest virtual assistant? For instance, if you already use Pinterest as a hobby, why not monetise that skill and turn it into a profitable business? Tossing between focusing all my attention pinterewt blogging or Pinterest virtual assisting, I was convinced by my quick return in investment in this course. I was only 2 weeks into the course and decided to market.


I wake up without the alarm.
