How to make a lot of money in the army

how to make a lot of money in the army

Do military arny members make more money than civilians over a career? For example, would year-olds who graduated high school in be wealthier today if they had enlisted and served throughor would they have made more money if they had spent those years working in the civilian workforce? There is no simple answer. Comparing civilian pay to military compensation can seem like apples and oranges. In addition to basic pay, troops get generous tax-free housing allowances as well as bonuses, special pays and. Moreover, military personnel typically advance along a standardized pf path, but in the civilian sector, promotions and career advancements are far more varied and less predictable. For more newsletters click. Sign up for the Early Bird Brief — a daily roundup of military and defense news stories from around the mxke.

The Range of Basic Pay

When I was deployed in Afghanistan, people started to get into some pretty odd things. Some people picked up Magic Cards. And many suddenly turned in their minds into the next Warren Buffet who could predict the next big stock. Guys that have never read an investment book or blog in their life, suddenly found their way to somehow eek a little more out of their paychecks. But I do it somewhat differently. Creating multiple streams of passive income has been my preferred method of investing. Passive income is money that shows up in your bank account without you actively working for every one of those dollars. You could look at stock investing as passive income, but I prefer to put a little more work into the success of what I invest in, in order to actually influence whether or not I make money from that investment. Do we prefer that soldiers spend their evenings in bars or watching Netflix? I will be writing individual posts about all of the side businesses I started during my nine years in the Army. Not all of them made me significant amounts of many, but some of them did. When I was a Lieutenant, I made more income than my Colonel in charge of me.

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I left the Army after nine years of service to follow my dreams of starting a business. I write to hopefully help those that are like me. Written by Ian Folau. You may also like. Ian Folau I left the Army after nine years of service to follow my dreams of starting a business.

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Joining the military opens a wide world of opportunities. But those first few years in the service can put your budget through some grueling tests. Pitfalls wait around every corner and too many wrong moves could do irreparable damage to your financial future. Oakley has seen their financial challenges firsthand, both on base and through 15 months in Iraq. Montanaro identify 10 money missteps that all new recruits and junior enlisted personnel should try to avoid. Oakley suggests setting aside a reasonable amount of «play money» at the start of every month, and using it to pay for non-essentials like entertainment or eating out. There’s only one rule: «When it’s gone, it’s gone,» she says. Another important budgeting decision relates to where you live. Many junior enlisted want the freedom of living off-post, but it can be much more expensive than the low-cost housing and amenities available on base. It falls into the budgeting discussion, but springing for a slick new ride is so common among new recruits, it deserves a separate mention. While it may not impress your friends, a new economy car or a sensible used car can help you stay on solid financial footing.

how to make a lot of money in the army

Join the Military

How much money you will make in the military is a little more complicated than «do eight hours of work and get paid for eight hours. This is sometimes called «basic pay. The amount depends on your rank, and how many years you’ve been in the military. While members on active duty full-time duty receive base pay, members of the National Guard and military Reserves get monthly «drill pay. Most Guard and Reserve members perform one weekend of drill per month. Each weekend counts as four drill periods. A member of the National Guard or Reserves receives one day’s worth of base pay for each drill period. When a member of the National Guard or reserves is performing the full-time duty such as in basic training, military job school, or deployed , they receive the same pay as active duty members. Military recruiters promise «free room and board. Enlisted members who are fairly new to the military, and do not have a spouse and children generally live in a military barracks dormitory. Because military barracks generally do not meet minimum military housing standards required by law, most people who live in the barracks also receive some compensation each month for their inconvenience, in the form of partial housing allowance. Except for basic training and military job school, the standards for most of the services now include a single room for each person, with a bathroom shared by one or more others. As enlisted members progress in rank to above E-4, they are usually given the opportunity to move off base to rent a house or apartment, receiving a monthly housing allowance. At many locations, lower-ranking enlisted members can also choose to move off base, if they wish, but it will be at their own expense.

The Range of Extra Payments

Be careful though. FYI, your «one weekend a month» pays you for four days rather than two. Active duty. Co-Authored By:. You will make more sales if you understand what motivates a customer. Obtain the necessary business licenses and insurance. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.

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Experts share what not to do at a funeral. Invest in the stock market. Get your answers by asking. Boy arrested after 4 people killed in Utah shooting. Build a prototype or working model. Ensure you keep accurate business records and file and pay your business taxes. I’m definitely going to get an A. FYI, your «one weekend a month» pays you for four days rather than two. Answer Save. Categories: Money Management for Young People. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Civic Loading Identify a problem or inconvenience that many people have and create a business idea based on solving this problem. Yes No.

How much do you make each month in the army reserve and active duty in army depending on ur rank? You make a hell of a lot more on active duty, as it is a full time job. While in the reserves, you would have a job or go to school.

You can look the actual pay-grades up on the Military Pay Chart. Reserves are part time and only meet a minimum un one weekend per month, yo two weeks per year. However, Reserves and NG give you time to keep your civilian job, amke some people make more money tue way if their civilian job pays.

FYI, your «one weekend a month» pays you for four days rather than two. The reserves is miney time until your called upon and active is full time so of coarse active duty gets more because you are working everyday and not just the one weekend a month. When you are on active duty you get active duty pay. And just like reserve pay is goes by rank and time in service.

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Common not to know of your non-Hodgkin lymphoma? Boy arrested after 4 lott killed in Utah shooting. Answer Save. Grey Wind Lv 4. Active Duty is full time.

CollegeMom Lv 6. Charlene Lv 4. How do you think about the answers? You how to make a lot of money in the army sign in to vote the answer. Active duty. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

We all know military benefits are pretty good. You get mess hall and PX privileges. You can take advantage of on-base housing and living subsidies, including medical care. And you get a pension — an incredible pension! Retiring servicemen and women can expect to get 50 percent of their base pay from their pensions after completing 20 years of service.

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Assume this soldier retires at age 43 with 20 years of service but with no increase in rank. Also assume that this soldier can also expect an annual three percent COLA after he or she retires. That, in short, is how much a military pension is worth. Now, of course, the civilian world is known for paying higher salaries. I can assure you that this is not a reasonable goal. But suppose you put in 10 years of service and then leave to pursue a higher-paying profession. This monthly savings figure is so much higher because so little time is available for the money to compound. The amount of money that has to be saved each month how to make a lot of money in the army nearly quadrupled, because the time frame for saving has been cut in half. It may seem as if your civilian counterparts are doing better financially, because they earn more money and can buy more things. They think they can do better financially in the civilian world. By looking at the actual numbers and using some basic assumptions, financial planning shows just how valuable a military pension can be. The safety and security a lifetime pension has to offer may be worth a lot more than you think.
